Respuesta :

Burning fossil fuels or cement has relatively little of an influence on humans in terms of producing carbon dioxide. The general people has been duped into believing we are a major factor in the greenhouse effect.

The biggest misconception regarding the movement for people to emit no net amount of CO2 is that natural supplies of this plant nourishment dwarf our emissions. This indicates that even if all people disappeared overnight, atmospheric CO2 levels would not significantly drop.

The statistics on the steady increase in CO2 throughout the heaviest periods of the global lockdown, which significantly restricted any human-sourced emissions, will give you a decent idea of this.

As for the so-called greenhouse gases, CO2 naturally occurs in water vapor, which makes up more than three times as much of the GHG as CO2. This indicates that the human component of the GHG is 0.6 percent.

When you take into account how little human emissions are in the grand scheme of things, you have to stop and wonder if any efforts you make to lower your emissions are in vain.

Thank you,
