The night was clear, and the full moon seemed to smile down on the new home of the
Carson family who had just moved into the neighborhood. On the back porch, little Sarah cried
quietly because her new pet puppy refused to sleep in Sarah’s pretty pink room. Sara wondered
how she could convince the puppy to change its mind. Sarah’s brother, Nicholas, was in the
kitchen quietly snacking on cake from the welcome party the neighbors had for the new family
in town. He thought about the boy across the street—maybe he’d ask the boy to play soccer
tomorrow. How lucky they all felt that day.

Literary Elements Practice 1
Instructions: Read the selection below. Then answer the questions about literary elements and narrator.
The night was clear, and the full moon seemed to smile down on the new home of the
Carson family who had just moved into the neighborhood. On the back porch, little Sarah cried
quietly because her new pet puppy refused to sleep in Sarah’s pretty pink room. Sara wondered
how she could convince the puppy to change its mind. Sarah’s brother, Nicholas, was in the
kitchen quietly snacking on cake from the welcome party the neighbors had for the new family
in town. He thought about the boy across the street—maybe he’d ask the boy to play soccer
tomorrow. How lucky they all felt that day.
1. The ove ral l tone of the story i s _________________ __.
a. grateful b. worried c. sad
2. The poi nt of vi e w i s ____________________ _.
a. first person b. third person objective c. third person omniscient
3. A possi bl e the me i s ____________________.
a. the family moved to a new home. b. changes help people learn and grow. c. the puppy might change its mind.
4. The se tti ng i s _________________ ___ __.
a. in a neighborhood with several families b. in a beach town near the ocean c. at night near a pet store
5. The narrator of this selection ______________________.
a. is also a character in the story b. is also the author c. does not participate in the action of the story
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6. The e ve nts of a story are acte d out by the ______________.
a. narrator b. characte rs c. author
7. The ________________ of a story i s si mi l ar to the sound of a pe rson’s voi ce whe n speaking.
a. mood b. plot c. tone
8. Stori e s have _________________ that are si mi l ar to l e ssons about l i f e .
a. themes b. confl i cts c. plots
9. A literary element is ________________.
a. a piece of literature b. part of a story c. an element of the plot
10. Stori e s have _________________ that are si mi l ar to l e ssons about l i f e .
a. themes b. confl i cts c. moods

Need answer from 1 to 10

Respuesta :

Answer: Tell me how I did



2.third person objective

3.the family moved to a new home a neighbothood with several families a character in the story




9.part of the story
