Module Two

a.According to the phylogenetic tree in this virtual lab, all anole lizards (genus Anolis) are more closely related to one another than they are to Leiocephalus carinatus.i.True
b.Anolis cristatellus is more closely related to Anolis occultus than it is to Anolis evermanni.i.False
c.Based on this phylogeny, do lizards of the same body type tend to be more closelyrelated to one another than to lizards of different body types?i.No
d.In general, are lizards on the same island more closely related to one another than to similar-looking lizards from other islands?i.Yes
e.The tree is more consistent with which of the following hypotheses:i.The same types of anole lizards evolved independently on each of the islands.

Respuesta :


Please read the explanation seeing the phylogeny attatched


a. is true. When you read a phylogeny you do it from tips to roots, tips that are close together come from the same node. All Anolis come from the same node, and Anolis genus and Leiocephalus genus share a common ancestor more distant than all Anolis.

b. If you see the tree, A. cristellatus and A. evermanni share a common ancestor, and the group that contains A. cristellatus and A. evermanni, share a common ancestor with A. occulatus. So A. cristellatus and A. evermanni are closely related among them than with A. occulatus

c and d. In the figure with colors, if lizards of the same body are closely related to each other than to lizards of different body types, your phylogeny should be colored by body shape. If not, your phylogeny should be colored by island (I use another group phylogeny to illustrate, but you should see the patterns on you phylogeny)

Ver imagen LauraMahecha
Ver imagen LauraMahecha