What is the result of food insecurity? Many third-world countries experience food insecurity. Some of the reasons are government policies, war, environmental conditions, and rapid population growth. This causes malnutrition. According to the WHO, malnutrition is largely responsible for_____in the world.

Respuesta :

deaths in the world..........


deaths to children under 5


Malnutrition is the leading cause of death in 5-year-olds in developing countries. It is estimated that 56% of child deaths due to malnutrition are due to the potentiating effects of mild and moderate forms of this disease.

About 20-30% of severely malnourished children die during treatment in health services in developing countries. These percentages have remained unchanged over the past 5 decades and correspond to a percentage 4 to 6 times higher than the 5% rate recognized as acceptable by WHO.