Please respond to some or all of the following questions in a minimum of eight sentences.

Are there any situations in which you think it would be appropriate for someone to look through your personal electronics (phone, laptop, tablet, etc.)? If yes, what would the situation be? If no, why not?

Who would you let look through your electronics? Consider people like your parents, siblings, friends, significant others, teachers, etc. Explain your rationale for allowing or not allowing each of these people to look your phone.

If you need more to write about, consider the following: have you ever looked through someone else’s phone? What were the circumstances? If someone has nothing to hide, why should it matter if someone goes through their phone?

Respuesta :

Looking into anyone’s personal objects is disrespectful and dishonest in many ways. However, there would be certain circumstances or scenarios where it could be considered accepted or even necessary.

Imagine the case that you are walking on the street searching for some music to hear in you smartphone while you walk, and all of a sudden you faint and lose consciousness, you are lying on the ground and a stranger picks up your phone to call an ambulance and he does, but at some point he thinks it would be a good idea to call your parents, or a relative to inform them about your accident so he starts searching thru you contacts and social media, etc. For me this would seem correct, because you might have a more complex condition and that information might be vital for the stranger to help you, and the best way to obtain it is to know who you are. Other than this, I find it incorrect to let others look into your private and most personal life, and it is not a matter of hiding something, it is a matter of respect and you rights to have your own secrets.


well yes there are reasons.

Explanation: because sometimes there are cases brought to court about cyber bullying and to figure out who and why u probably have to check there phone computers and other stuff.