Which acts prohibited public opposition to the government? A. The Townshend Acts B. The Intolerable Acts C. The Alien and Sedition Acts D. The Immigrant Acts

Respuesta :

This would be "C" The Alien and Sedition Act which basically gives the government control over individual acts

The correct asnwer is Option C) The Alien and Sedition Acts

The Alien and Sedition Acts prohibited acts of Public Oppostion to the governement.

The Alien and Sedition Acts were four different bills by the 5th Congress of the United States, which at the time was the dominated by the Federalist party.

The bills were signed in laws by the President of the United States, John Adams.

In modern terms and even at the time, many criticas argued that the laws were blantely opposed to the expression of Free Speech and just being used to silence the opposition.

However, the government insisted that the laws were neccassary at a time when there was a war (undeclared) with France.

The law also increase the residencry requirment for citizenship from five to fourteen years, which was beginining of the time when immigrants started to support the democractic party.

Overall, the acts were so unpopular that it helped the democractic party to an easy victory in 1800.