1. Where is the World Court located?
A. Netherlands.
B. Switzerland.
C. Iceland.
D. Greenland.

2. The International Committee of the Red Cross stimulated the creation of the United Nations. True or false?

3. What did the U.S. consider attempts to colonize the western hemisphere to be after the Monroe Doctrine?
A. Nothing, they were ignored.
B. Act of alliance with the U.S.
C. The spread of democracy.
D. Hostile acts toward the U.S.

4. Teddy Roosevelt's "big stick" was the U.S. Air Force. True or false?

5. What did the U.S. fear during the Red Scare of the isolationism period?
A. Communism.
B. War.
C. Immigration.
D. Native American uprising.

6. How can the foreign policy agenda of Bill Clinton be classified?
A. Isolationist.
B. Peacekeeping.
C. Imperialist.
D. Neutral.