
Read the passage from The Odyssey - Penelope. Ruses serve my turn to draw the time out—first a close-grained web I had the happy thought to set up weaving on my big loom in the hall. I said, that day: 'Young men—my suitors, now my lord is dead let me finish my weaving before I marry, or else my thread will have been spun in vain. It is a shroud I weave for Lord Laertes when cold Death comes to lay him on his bier. The country wives would hold me in dishonor if he, with all his fortune, lay unshrouded.' I reached their hearts that way, and they agreed. So every day I wove on the great loom, but every night by torchlight I unwove it; and so for three years I deceived the Akhaians. Which line from the passage best shows that Penelope is clever? I had the happy thought to set up weaving The country wives would hold me in dishonor So every day I wove on the great loom and so for three years I deceived the Akhaians