Ainsley lives in a town 360 miles directly north of Orlando. One Saturday, she takes the train from her town to Orlando. The train travels at a constant speed of 60 mph, and after 2.5 hours, she sees a sign that states, “Orlando: 210 miles.”

Write an equation to represent (), the distance Ainsley is from Orlando after hours

Respuesta :

Take note that the total distance that needs to be traveled is 360 miles. The train is moving at 60mph and 2.5 hours have passed. To get the remaining distance, first you need to solve for the distance traveled already. 

Distance is equal to the velocity times the time travelling or:

[tex]d = vt[/tex]

So considering the given we can get the distance traveled in 2.5 hours. 

[tex]d = vt[/tex]
[tex]d = (60mph)(2.5h)[/tex]
[tex]d = 150miles[/tex]

So far, Ainsley traveled 150 miles. If her town is 360 miles away, you can get the remaining by subtracting the distance already traveled from the total distance. 

360 miles - 150 miles = 210 miles. 

Now if you want to put that into a single equation you can do that by combining all the equations together.

d = 360 miles - (vt).
d = 360 miles - (60mph)(2.5 h)
d = 360 miles - 150 miles
d = 210 miles