Respuesta :

Hello there, and thank you for posting your question here on brainly.

1g = 1,000mg.

If you have 2g, it'd be 2,000mg.

We can go up by 0.1 (ex: 2.1g = 2,100mg)

So, the answer is B, 2.9 g.

Hope this helped! ☺♥
Your question - Use the proportion (1000mg/1g = 2900mg/x) to convert milligrams to grams.

1000mg = 2900mg
1g           =   x

We know that to Convert 1000 to 2900 we multiply by 2.9
 =    2900mg

So we must do the same on the other side
1000mg               =    2900mg
-------------                  --------------
      1g                   =       2.9

x = 2.9