1. You are creating a database for a web hosting service. Which of the following data types
would be most appropriate for a field labeled Home Page?
(B)OLE object

2. David needs to create a password. He uses “rtjjkliusfvwr.” Which of the following best
explains the weakness in his password?
(A)It only contains lowercase letters.
(B)He repeats the letters r and j.
(C)It is hard to remember.
(D)It is 13 characters long.

3. Which of the following is an example of a strength of using a database?
(A)Databases increase the power of the operating system, which can make your work faster.
(B)Databases only allow local access, which reduces the threat of information being stolen.
(C)Databases only allow one person to access data at a time, which reduces user error.
(D)Databases can be used to track information related to your business, which could increase profits.

4. You are a database administrator. Chanelle comes to you asking for help on how to access all the data in one row of the database. Which of the following responsibilities does this describe?
(A)performance satisfaction
(B)database backup
(C)user training
(D)change requests

5. In a student database, a student ID number is the?

6. A collection of related records is called a?

7. Which of the following best illustrates the distinction between a database and a database management system?
(A) A database is like a Microsoft® Word document, whereas a database management system is like
Microsoft Word.
(B) A database is a file, whereas a database management system is the folder that contains the files.
(C) A database is a spreadsheet, whereas a database management system is an application that evaluates
formulas in the spreadsheet.
(D) A database is a collection of information, whereas a database management system is an application
that manipulates the information.

8. You are looking at a database for a university admissions office. Which of the following pieces of data belongs in a metadata field?
(A) high school GPA
(B) reason for acceptance/rejection
(C) applicant name
(D) Social Security number

9. All of the following are examples of a database management system product except?
(A) Oracle.
(B) MySQL.
(C) Ubuntu.
(D) DB2.

10. On which of the following levels are databases not used?
(A) global
(B) corporate
(C) personal
(D) business

Respuesta :

well let me see what i can ansewrg x


1. (A) Hyperlink.

In a web hosting service database, you will need to keep track of each of the websites that you are providing service for. By including a hyperlink directly to the web page of the different clients, it would make it easier for the user to remember what the clients website contains and when the payment for the hosting service will need to be made.

2. (C) it is hard to remember.

Although David's password may appear complex enough to be secured, the main weakness of the password is that the password is too hard to remember. The arrangement of the different letters although repeated may confuse David when entering the password.

3. (D) Databases can be used to track information related to your business, which could increase profits.

The main purpose of a database is to keep important information and be able to track information when needed. Creating a database could also generate the information of where and even when the business hits its low and highs.

4. (C) User Training.

Any process that needs to be explained to a user is user training. In this case, Chanelle came to ask for help on how to gain access to a certain row in the database. The database administrator will then be training Chanelle on how to get the data or records in the database.

5. (A) Key.

In a student database a students ID number would always be the main primary key. Almost all schools around the world with a computerized database use their students ID number to differentiate the students with the same names and ages. The student ID number is also almost always a unique number given to the student.

6. (B) File.

In a database data hierarchy a database is the collection of the different files. The collection of records are called files. Records are the combination of the different fields in a single row. Last but not least a field is a single column of a database.

7. (D) A database is a collection of information, whereas a database management system is an application  that manipulates the information.

The best way to differentiate the database from database management system is like water in a cup. The cup may be empty, half-full, or full, but without management the cup will always be empty. The person managing the water in the cup is the determining factor of how much water the cup will contain.

8. (B) reason for acceptance/rejection.

Metadata in databases allow search engines and such to easily find information on a certain file. By adding the reason for acceptance/rejection as a metadata in the universities admissions office, the filtering of the different records may help the user find the information that the office will need to proceed.

9. (C) Ubuntu.

Oracle, MySQL, and DB2 are widely used database systems. Ubuntu on the other hand is an operating system. Some other examples of operating systems are Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.

10. (C) Personal

Databases are usually used for large collections of data. One of the main reasons why databases are not usually used for personal use is the limited amount of data that a person would have to store into a database. Although some people may use databases for their own storage, it would be more recommended to use a spreadsheet program to manage their own personal data.