1. Read the following passage from "The Happy Man."

"Inside him, he felt a boundless power, an imperishable energy, and ability to achieve anything with confidence, precision, and obvious success. His heart was overflowing with love for people, animals, and things and with an all-engulfing sense of optimism and joy. It was as if he were no longer troubled or bothered by fear, anxiety, sickness, death, argument, or question of earning a living. Even more important than that, and something he could not analyze, it was a feeling which penetrated to every cell of his body and soul; it played a tune full of delight, pleasure, serenity, and peace and hummed in its incredible melodies and whispering sound of the world which is denied to the unhappy."

Which of the following stylistic elements is used by the writer in these lines to create humor?

A. Hyperbole
B. Incongruity
C. Irony
D. Sarcasm

2. All of the following statements about literary symbols are true except:

A. Symbols enhance the meaning of text
B. Symbols generally have only one meaning
C. Symbols are often timeless and universal in nature
D. Symbols can present in the form of characters, objects, or actions

Respuesta :

1. The answer is A. Hyperbole

Hyperbole is a stylistic element in prose and poetry that involves the use of exaggerated claims that are not literal in meaning. Hyperbole is useful in creating a dramatic effect when the writer is trying to explain a phenomenon or feeling to the reader. For instance, in the passage above the sentence, "
His heart was overflowing with love for people, animals, and things and with an all-engulfing sense of optimism and joy" involves the use of exaggeration and non-literal claims to paint a picture of a "happy man" to the reader. 

2. The correct answer is 
B. Symbols generally have only one meaning.

Literary symbols such as figures of speech, metaphors, alliteration, etc., enhance the meaning of a text, adding a dramatic effect when discussing characters, objects and situations. They do not have only one meaning. While literary symbols usually have a primary intended meaning for the reader, they have multiple meanings subject to the reader's interpretations of the text.