Bible history....... please help!!!!!!!!
Match the following. Match the items in the left column to the items in the right column.
1 . interchange and discussion of ideas in a frank and open way
2 . young man who spoke after Job's three friends
3 . had a complaint similar to Job's
4 . supreme in authority; superior to all others
5 . wrote of the patience of Job
6 . large sea creature that man cannot tame
7 . number of cycles in the debate section of Job
8 . disease with which Job's body was smitten by Satan
9 . number of servants who escaped and informed Job
10 . one of the earliest books of the Bible written


Respuesta :

Here you go -- but I suspect if you took a bit of time you'd have been able to do the matching on your own, too!  Don't be afraid to test your own knowledge.

1 . interchange and discussion of ideas in a frank and open way - DIALOGUE
2 . young man who spoke after Job's three friends - ELIHU
3 . had a complaint similar to Job's - JEREMIAH
4 . supreme in authority; superior to all others - SOVEREIGN
5 . wrote of the patience of Job - JAMES
6 . large sea creature that man cannot tame - LEVIATHAN
7 . number of cycles in the debate section of Job - THREE
8 . disease with which Job's body was smitten by Satan - BOILS
9 . number of servants who escaped and informed Job - FOUR
10 . one of the earliest books of the Bible written - JOB