Respuesta :

After listening attentively to the allegations of harassment, the first step a supervisor suppose to take in response to a harassment complaint is to take immediate protective actions that will ensure the safety of the harassed person pending the time that full investigation will be conducted. After thorough investigation, all the parties involved should be informed about the outcome of the investigation and appropriate corrective actions should be taken to enforce anti-harassment policy.

The first step of a supervisor is to respond immediately through words and actions.

Further Explanation

In his/her first step, a supervisor can be responsive through:

  • Attending to the complainee  

The supervisor should ensure he/she meets with the complainee as soon he got the complaint, to further give the complainee the assurance of not being neglected or overlooked. The supervisor should try and calm the complainee to ensure the complainee’s total commitment in telling his or her story. The supervisor should ask questions in a way that would not trigger the negative reaction of the complaint but with the intention of comprehending the whole issue. The supervisor should ensure he/she takes notes and solid information that can further help solve the whole issue at hand.

  • Assuring the complainee of proper investigation of the complaint

It is the responsibility of the supervisor to the complainee much needed assurance that the compliant will be looked into and proper investigation will be carried so as to bring the perpetrator to book.

  • Reporting the complaint to the appropriate authority  

In ensuring the complainee gets adequate justice, the supervisor should further report the matter to management for further investigation, after meeting with the complainee and have obtained several facts and information as regards the harassment.  

The supervisor should also create an enabling environment whereby such acts would not reoccur.




  • Complaint
  • Complainee
  • Harrassment
  • Supervisor
  • Investigation