Which of the following statements about Woodrow Wilson is true?
A.He advocated eliminating the income tax.
B.He opposed reforms to the banking system.
C.He wanted to place strict government controls on corporations.
D.He overturned discriminatory laws against African Americans.

Respuesta :

It would be that "C.He wanted to place strict government controls on corporations" that is true regarding Woodrow Wilson, since he was one of the major "Progressives" in American government. 

The correct answer is:

"C.He wanted to place strict government controls on corporations"

that is true regarding Woodrow Wilson, since he was one of the major "Progressives" in American government.


Woodrow Wilson, the 28th U.S. president, steered America within World War I and crafted the Versailles Treaty's "Fourteen Points," the latter of which was building a League of Nations to guarantee world peace. The New Freedom was Woodrow Wilson's campaign program in the 1912 administrative election in which he asked for limited government and is also used to refer to the progressive plans established by Wilson during his first term as president from 1913 to 1916 while the Democrats dominated Congress.