Vanessa and Marie are best friends. Vanessa tells Marie that one of their classmates has been posting nasty comments about Vanessa on a social media site they all use. Vanessa feels really upset about it, but Marie does not see what the big deal is. Instead, Marie tells Vanessa that teasing is just part of growing up these days, and that she should get over it.

What type of challenge to cyberbullying does Marie’s attitude represent?

low self-esteem

Respuesta :

Marie has a nonbeliever attitude about cyberbullying
The appropriate answer is b. non believer. Cyber bullying is the use of technology and/or digital devices to harass, hurt or tarnish the reputation of others. Cyber bullying has become quite popular in the last decade with the explosion in the use of digital devices. It is especially common among teenagers. Some countries have only recently enacted laws that can bring justice to victims of cyber bullying.