Which are ways to pay for a college education? Check all that apply. tuition student loans federal grants books and fees student loan interest academic scholarships

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The ways to pay for a college education are: student loans, Federal grants, Academic scholarships.


There are various ways a student can use to pay for college. They include; paying with scholarship and Grants, paying  by  working while attending, paying for college using the student loans, lowering tuition costs and through lowering your living expenses.

The various ways as given in the options are student loans and academic scholarships.

What is meant by the term student Loan?

Generally, a loan is an amount borrowed with the aim of paying back with interest, in this context, a student loan is an amount a student borrowed to pay for tuition, while an academic scholarship is an award given to a person/student to study for free in a school.

In summary, student loans are usually soft loans.

Learn more about student loans here:
