How do I Determine the quantity of work done when a crane lifts a 100-N block from 2 m above the ground to 6m above the ground

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Determine that quantity by following these steps:

1).  Search your class notes or your textbook to find the definition of "Work".

2).  Find the definition:  Work = (force) x (distance)

3).  Identify the quantities in the problem you're showing us:

                 Force  =  100 N

                 Distance through which the force acts = (from 2m to 6m) = 4 m

4).  Substitute the quantities in the definition of Work that you found:

                  Work  =  (force) x (distance)    

                            =  (100 N) x (4 m)

                            =          400 N-m

                            =          400 Joules of Work.