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Ralph angers Jack by telling Piggy that even Jack would hide if the beast attacked them. Due to this Jack attempts his most serious mutiny yet, trying to convince the other boys to remove Ralph as leader. When the boys refuse to openly vote against Ralph, Jack announces his defection and runs off into the forest.


Jack is never elected chief even though he had some power over some of the boys he called "hunters"under the leadership of the elected chief Ralph.


In William Golding's "Lord of the Flies", the beginning of the story shows Jack and Ralph contesting for the position of the "chief". And the boys eventually elected Ralph to be the chief, much to the disappointment of Jack.

Jack had always wanted to be the leader, "chief" but his approach of a authoritarian hand makes it difficult for him to be chosen. His opponent Ralph was instead chosen to be the "chief", as he seems more of an approachable guy and also mostly due to his possession of the conch shell which the boys see as a symbol of power. Ralph still gave some power to Jack, giving him to lead the group of boys he called "hunters".

But unofficially, Jack becomes "chief" when a group of deserters followed him after his attempts in usurping Ralph from his leadership roles failed. Afterwards, he has his own group of followers, his own "tribe".