a. Petri Dish: Petri dish is radial. When you look at the petri dish from the top or bottom, it has a radial symmetry because it can be distributed into the same half with the center of the bottle or top of the petri dish.
b. Funnel: The funnel is radial. When you look at the higher side of it, the spout attends as the midpoint where the rest of the funnel radiates off. So it has a radial symmetry.
c. Test Tube Rack: Test tube rack is bilateral for the reason that it doesn't have a midpoint the rest of the rack radiates off from.
d. Wash Bottle with Curved Straw: Wash bottle with straw has bilateral symmetry. For the reason that the curved straw, it doesn't have a midpoint where it can be distributed into more than two pieces with identical shape.
e. Graduated Cylinder: It has the bilateral symmetry where the in-between line can be drawn from the spout of the cylinder to the bottom.
f. Tongs: Tongs have bilateral symmetry. It doesn't have a mid-axis which distribute it similarly by any longitudinal plane but has a vertical plane at the mid which makes to semi of it.