Who wrote the Spiritual Exercises? Giordano Bruno, Pope Paul III, Martin Luther,Ignatius Loyola, Frances de Sales

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Ignatius Loyola


Ignacio de Loyola was a military man and then a Spanish religious, emerged as a religious leader during the Counter-Reformation. His devotion to the Catholic Church was characterized by absolute obedience to the pope. Founder of the Company of Jesus of which he was the first general, it prospered to the point that it had more than a thousand members in more than a hundred houses -mostly colleges and houses of formation- distributed in twelve provinces at the time of his death . His Spiritual Exercises, published in 1548, exerted a proverbial influence on later spirituality as a tool of discernment. The Methodist Jesse Lyman Hurlbut considered Ignacio de Loyola as one of the most notable and influential personalities of the sixteenth century. The Catholic Church canonized him in 1622, and Pius XI declared him patron of spiritual exercises in 1922.


Ignatius Loyola
