Why do the individual voters have more power in a democracy than they do in an autocracy

One ruler knows what is best for the country

All the power stays with the local governments closest to the people

The people chose the leaders that will make laws and govern the country

Voters make wise decisions based only on facts not opinions

Which statement describes the Republic of India’s democratic form of government?

one dictator holds all the power

representatives from the Muslim faith and Hindu faith form a committee and make decisions

Power is divided between the national government and regional authorities

Power is divided between each nation of India

In Japan the emperor, a hereditary ruler, serves as the head of state, while the people participate in governing and elected officials make laws. What type of government does Japan have?


direct democracy

absolute monarchy

constitutional monarchy

The Chinese government is still run by the Chinese Communist Party. The government controls most aspects of Chinese life and the National People's Congress chooses a president and vice president. This would be considered which type of government?



presidential democracy

Ty (:

Respuesta :

1. The people chose the leaders that will make laws and govern the country 

representatives from the Muslim faith and Hindu faith form a committee and make decisions

constitutional monarchy



1. The people chose the leaders that will make laws and govern the country.

2.  representatives from the Muslim faith and Hindu faith form a committee and make decisions.

3. constitutional monarchy.

4. autocratic


1. In a democratic system, the will of the people is expressed voting - casting the ballot. In this system, the people choose their representatives by means of secret ballot.  

2. The Indian community is a highly religious community. There are two main religious systems - Muslim and Hindus. These share power based on the principles of equal representation of the different religious groups.

3.  A constitutional monarchy makes decisions on behalf of the people. Japan has a rich history of dynasties dating back to the 19th century.

4. In China, there is one political party. This silences the voices of other opposing views. There is a lot of limitations in areas like media etc.