Classify each item by matching as organic
(O) or inorganic (I).
table salt (NaCl)
TNT (C7H5N3O9)
glucose (C6H12O6)
2, 4-D (C3H6O3Cl2)
limestone (CaCO₃) water (H₂O)

Respuesta :

Table salt is inorganic TNT is organic Glucose is organic 2,4-D is organic Limestone is inorganic Water is inorganic What makes a compound organic is the presence of a carbon, with the exception of cabonates. In this case all of the compounds in this list that have carbon except for CaCO3, are organic and the other compounds are inorganic.


table salt (NaCl) - I

TNT (C7H5N3O9) - O

glucose (C6H12O6) - O

2, 4-D (C3H6O3Cl2) - O

limestone (CaCO₃) - I

water (H₂O) - I

hope it helps :)