Respuesta :
To check Hezekiah’s reform, Isaiah, a spokesman for the Lord, conveyed the answer. He reassured him that Jerusalem would not collapse. In fact, he said that not one arrow would be shot into Jerusalem, nor would any blockade mound be built around it. He reiterated the prediction that Sennacherib would return home and be murdered. (2 kings 19:14-34; Is.37:8-35)
Answer: The Tunnel
Hezekiah led a monotheistic religious reform against idolatry that strived to unify the worship of Yahweh in Jerusalem.
An extraordinary engineering achievement was the 533 meters long tunnel dug to give Jerusalem subterrene access to the Spring of Gihon, located outside of the city.
The large wall located in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem was considered as physical evidence of that structure existence.