Respuesta :

Answer: option 3) CO₂.


1) Sublimation is a change of phase. It is the pass from solid state to gas state without passig thrugh liquid state.

2) CO₂ is carbon dioxide gas, which is in the atmosphere, is expelled by the lungs, and is used by the plants. But also CO₂ is dry ice, which is used to freeze ice cream, for example. You might have the experience to play or see how the dry ice converts into gas at room temperature. That is sublimation in action.

3) The sublimation of a substance at room temperature and pressure depends on the phase diagram of the substace. You have to look at the phase diagram to predict whether a substance would sublimate at room temperature and pressure.

The phase diagram of the CO₂ shows that at 1 atm pressure the CO2 is never liquid. That is why the pass from solid to gas (sublimation) at 1 atm does not pass through liquid state.<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->