The central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord. The digestive system is composed of the stomach and other organs that help you break down food. Which of the following is an example of the two systems interacting?
Group of answer choices

A. you feel a pain when you take a sharp breath

B. you feel your pulse speed up after exercising

C. you feel tired after a long school day

D. you feel hungry at lunchtime

2))Humans need to breathe to survive. Breathing is an involuntary action. Which of the following describes how systems in the body interact to keep your involuntary functions going?
Group of answer choices

A. the nervous system interacts with the circulatory system to maintain your heartrate

B. the nervous system interacts with the digestive system to help you chew your food

C. the nervous system interacts with your respiratory system so you can take a deep breath

D. the nervous system interacts with your excretory system to help you eliminate waste