I didn’t really understand what the activity is
, but I canhelp with the activity. Here are the parts of speech for the given root words:
- Draw (Verb)
- Ease (Noun, Verb)
- Easy (Adjective)
- Education (Noun)
- Enjoy (Verb)
- Establish (Verb)
- Excite (Verb)
- Exhaust (Verb)
- Experiment (Noun, Verb)
- Fortune (Noun)
- Good (Adjective, Noun, Adverb)
- Happy (Adjective)
- Hard (Adjective, Adverb)
- Hazard (Noun, Verb)
- Insert (Verb)
- Inspire (Verb)
- Interest (Noun, Verb)
- Ad (Noun, Adjective)
- Co (Noun)
- Tha (Noun)
- Nd (Noun)
- Interest (Noun, Verb)
- Learn (Verb)
- Locate (Verb)
- Necessary (Adjective, Noun, Adverb)