
Excerpt from: Saving the Thrift Store: A Drama
Lee Washington

7ROSA: It’s a shame that I’m the youngest in my family, since I’d be happy to pass my old clothes to kids who wanted them.

8LOUIS: (holding up a newspaper article) Look at this! A pipe burst, and the thrift store on Market Street was severely flooded.

9EDDIE: Check out those torrents of water in the picture.

10LOUIS: (reading from paper) A deluge of water drenched the clothing on lower displays. Employees attempted to salvage some items, but the majority of the merchandise was destroyed.

11EDDIE: People contributed most of those clothes after spring-cleaning. The store lost all of its recent donations!

12ROSA: That thrift store had a great selection of inexpensive clothes. Postponing a reopening is bad for the families that rely on that store.

13LOUIS: Can’t they just dry off the clothes?

14ROSA: After so much exposure to moisture, they have probably begun to reek.

15EDDIE: I don’t even like gross, smelly clothes for sports! They should smell clean and fresh just like fabric softener. (EDDIE smiles dreamily, imagining fluffy clothes right out of the dryer.)

16ROSA: I’m sure Eddie’s not the only one who appreciates clean fabric. We should try to help restock the store.

Based on the character of Rosa, what can the reader infer regarding the author's unstated meaning?
A) The author wants the reader to admire Rosa's selflessness.
B) The author wants the reader to question Rosa's hidden motives.
C) The author wants the reader to condemn Rosa's self-righteousness.
D) The reader has no solid basis for making any inferences about the author's unstated meaning.

Respuesta :

I feel like the correct answer for this would be "A. The author wants the reader to admire Rosa's selflessness." I chose this because she is more than willing to go out of her way to help restock the store with clothes.
I hope this helped!!

A) The author wants the reader to admire Rosa's selflessness.