Respuesta :


The solution is a pair of numbers ... one for 'x' and one for 'y' ... that
makes the equation a true statement.  There are an infinite number
of solutions.  If you use the equation to draw a graph, then the graph
of it is a straight line without ends, and every point on the line is a
solution to the equation.

Here are a few of them: 

(In each pair, the first number is 'x', the second number is 'y'.)

(-9, 14)
(-8, 11)
(-7, 8)
(-6, 5)
(-5, 2)
(-4, -1)
(-3, -4)
(-2, -7)
(-1, -10)
(0, -13)
(1, -16)
(2, -19
(3, -22)
(4, -25)
(5, -28)