54. You have to be 18 to vote. 56. Tax Day April 18th. 58. To get away from restrictive laws about religion. 59. Indigenous people/ Native Americans (Indians) in South America mayans and Aztecs. 64. Maryland Massachusetts and Virginia. 70. George Washington. 73. Civil war. 75. Emancipation proclamation (freeing slaves) 76. Freed slaves did not give them the right to vote or be equal to white men. 77. Fought for the right for women to vote. 84. Civil rights movement. 85. Peaceful protest, preaching and sit ins. 86. George W. Bush read a book to children while a plane hit the twin towers. Then we went to war over oil. 92. Pennsylvania because of Lake Erie. 93. Arizona. 94. Washington DC. 95. New York (actually New Jersey) 96. Because of he 13 original colonies. 97. Because of the 50 states. 98. Star spangled banner 99. July 4th. 100. American Indian heritage day and Labor Day. I didn't answer the ones I didn't have a solid answer on. Hope this helps a little