chad buys peanuts in 2 pound bags. he repackages them into bags that hold 5/6pound of peanuts . how many 2 pound bags of peanuts should chad alan cooper buy so that he can fill the 5/6pounds bags without having any peanuts left over

Respuesta :

First, let's find out how many 5/6 pound bags he can fill with one 2 pound bag.
2 ÷ 5/6
2 × 6/5
He can fill 2.4 bags with one 2 pound bag.
Now, we just need to multiply 2.4 by a number that will make it a whole number.
We'll use guess and check.
2.4 × 2 = 4.8
2.4 × 3 = 7.2
2.4 × 4 = 9.6
2.4 × 5 = 12
12 is a whole number.
This means that Chad needs to buy 5 of the 2 pound bags to fill 12 of the 5/6 pound bags, and he will have not peanuts leftover.