Answer all questions related to lactose intolerence down below need asap no gibberish
Topic Lactose intolerance
what is it, rates, why do some develop this
, dairy free alternatives,
dietary racism in Canada and US re: milk promotion

What is the issue / topic? Explain what your issue/ topic is and provide some basic details to educate the reader.
For example, what is diabetes? What is vegetarianism? What is aquaculture? What is food insecurity? What is ______?

Why is this an issue important that people need to know about?
For example, why is bottled water an important issue? What are the rates of diabetes? How many people get colon cancer? How much food is wasted in Canada every year?

Are there connections to unit 1 (food safety, kitchen safety, superbugs, etc.)? If so, explain.

Are there connections to Unit 2 – nutrition and health? We covered so much in this unit so there is likely a connection! How is nutrition linked to your topic? How / can diet help to alleviate the issue? Make reference to Canada’s new food guideline, the Eatwell Plate.
For example, Does eating a gluten free diet mean that you cannot follow the Eat Well Plate? How can you follow the Eat Well Plate and be a vegan? The Eat Well Plate and athlete nutrition – are they compatible?

Is there a diet related disease connection? Explain how / why.
For example, Diseases that are avoided if you eat a vegetarian diet; Health complications from having Type II diabetes; health issues that might arise if you eat a low carb diet.

Are there connections to unit 3? Body image, religion, ethics and food?

What is a connection to Canada – What are some Canadian statistics/data about your topic? How significant is this in Canada? Is this issue important to Canadians? How? Why?
Everyone must find Canadian data / stats / facts to include in their brochure. Everyone.You must fFind a way to include data!

Is your topic linked to the environment? Explain any connections to the environment, environmental impact, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, etc.
For example, how eating a low carb diet increases your carbon footprint; impact of meat on the environment; impact of bottled water on the environment.

Does your topic relate to budget? Consider providing tips on smart shopping, budgeting, etc., if it relates to your topic.
For example, how can eat for an athlete on budget? Can you be a vegetarian if you have a limited budget? How does not drinking bottled water help your budget? What challenges do Indigenous people face in northern communities?

Include a recipe that corresponds with your topic. Explain briefly why this is an appropriate recipe for your topic. Be sure to follow a proper recipe format. Almost all topics should have a recipe

Respuesta :

Answer all questions related to lactose intolerence down below need asap no gibberish
Topic Lactose intolerance
what is it, rates, why do some develop this
, dairy free alternatives,
dietary racism in Canada and US re: milk promotion

What is the issue / topic? Explain what your issue/ topic is and provide some basic details to educate the reader.
For example, what is diabetes? What is vegetarianism? What is aquaculture? What is food insecurity? What is ______?

Why is this an issue important that people need to know about?
For example, why is bottled water an important issue? What are the rates of diabetes? How many people get colon cancer? How much food is wasted in Canada every year?

Are there connections to unit 1 (food safety, kitchen safety, superbugs, etc.)? If so, explain.

Are there connections to Unit 2 – nutrition and health? We covered so much in this unit so there is likely a connection! How is nutrition linked to your topic? How / can diet help to alleviate the issue? Make reference to Canada’s new food guideline, the Eatwell Plate.
For example, Does eating a gluten free diet mean that you cannot follow the Eat Well Plate? How can you follow the Eat Well Plate and be a vegan? The Eat Well Plate and athlete nutrition – are they compatible?

Is there a diet related disease connection? Explain how / why.
For example, Diseases that are avoided if you eat a vegetarian diet; Health complications from having Type II diabetes; health issues that might arise if you eat a low carb diet.

Are there connections to unit 3? Body image, religion, ethics and food?

What is a connection to Canada – What are some Canadian statistics/data about your topic? How significant is this in Canada? Is this issue important to Canadians? How? Why?
Everyone must find Canadian data / stats / facts to include in their brochure. Everyone.You must fFind a way to include data!

Is your topic linked to the environment? Explain any connections to the environment, environmental impact, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, etc.
For example, how eating a low carb diet increases your carbon footprint; impact of meat on the environment; impact of bottled water on the environment.

Does your topic relate to budget? Consider providing tips on smart shopping, budgeting, etc., if it relates to your topic.
For example, how can eat for an athlete on budget? Can you be a vegetarian if you have a limited budget? How does not drinking bottled water help your budget? What challenges do Indigenous people face in northern communities?

Include a recipe that corresponds with your topic. Explain briefly why this is an appropriate recipe for your topic. Be sure to follow a proper recipe format. Almost all topics should have a recipe