You are a teacher's assistant, and your job is to record grades. It just so happens you know a few of the students in the class, and they approach you one day to ask for higher grades on their papers. All you have to do is change the letter grades on the score sheet, and the teacher will probably never find out what happened. Knowing that you would never get caught for changing a grade, would you do it?

Respuesta :

Maybe if they paid me for it to be honest. Does that make me sound like a bad person? lol 
I wouldn't, first of all a teacher knows his students academic levels , also you never know maybe the kids would tell the teacher or a friend , then the rumor of the teacher s assistant giving good grades to the students is going to be a big dilemma. Lastly , if I did that I'm not actually helping them , the teacher would see their good grades so he'll think that they improved but they actually didn't . That will not make me a good teacher s assistant neither a good person .