Which of the following nations currently possess nuclear weapons? Select all that apply.
United States
South Africa
North Korea

Respuesta :

United States

The first country that developed nuclear weapons and the only one to formerly have used them during the Pacific campaing in World War II. With droping two bombs it forced a quick surrender of the Japanese Empire. As the Coldwar took place, the production of nuclear warheads grew and thus it is the country that posses the greatest amount of them. When Cold war ended, agremment between US and Russia to reduce the amount of this weapones resulted in some significant reductions.


France is the country occupying the 3d place (after Russia) in possesion of nuclear weapons.

A member of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons,it aqcuired most of its nuclear warheads during Charles Gaulle. France was carried firstly a nuclear test in 1960.

The other countries have been discouraged to produce Nuclear Weapons, since Sudafrica no longer posses such installations, and North Korea has only tried to carry essays and programs that currently are in development and countrary to be tought, they arent still in range to effectively carry an actual attack on US , Japan, etc.