The sentence below includes which of the following common grammatical errors?

Jessica left the farm quickly, she arrived at the school an hour later.

sentence fragment
subject/verb agreement
comma splice
run-on sentence

Respuesta :

The answer is comma splice. This occurs when two independent sentences are put together with a comma, making it grammatically incorrect. 


Comma splice


The comma is used for many things such as to separate items in a list, to set off nonrestrictive phrases or clauses, to set off nouns of direct address, to indicate a pause, among others. However, it is not used to connect two independent clauses. When this happens the sentence has "a comma splice."

Independent clauses (clauses that express a complete thought) should not be separated by a comma, but by conjunction (like and, but, or, nor), a period or a semicolon. Therefore, in order to correct the comma splice in the sentence provided, we must remove the comma between the two independent clauses: "Jessica left the farm quickly" and "she arrived at the school an hour later," and place a period, a semicolon or a conjunction instead.