Respuesta :

Multiply the denominator by 4 to get the nominator:

6 X4 =24

Add 5 to 24 to get the nominator:

24 + 5=29

So, we have 5/6 x 4. 

What you need to do is put a 1 on the bottom of the 4, to make it 4/1.

So, you now have 5/6 x 4/1. Multiply the 5 and 4 together, and have 20.  6 x 1 = 6.

Now you have 20/6. But, you need to make that into a mixed number. 6 goes into 20 3 times, left over with 2. So, your final answer would be 3 2/6.

Glad I could help, and good luck!