
imagine that you are the ceo of a multinational corporate consumer food company. what would make it attractive to you to consider related diversification via acquisition rather than unrelated diversification into a new industry, such by forming an internal startup subsidiary to enter and compete in the target industry?

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The stronger the bonds between sister companies in a diversified firm, the greater the opportunity for the firm to convert strategic fit into a competitive advantage by gaining strategic advantage.

           Related diversification (entering a new industry that shares significant similarities with the firm's existing industry) is wiser than unrelated diversification (entering a new industry that does not share such similarities). Diversification strategies, such as concentric diversification, involve adding similar products or services to existing businesses. Horizontal diversification involves offering new independent products or services to existing consumers or diversifying conglomerates.

          Companies are considered related if their value chains are competitive and demonstrate a strategic fit between them. A company is said to be fragmented when its value chain is highly diverse and there are no competitive inter-business relationships.

To know more about the diversification strategy: