Respuesta :

The net work output and cycle efficiency will both increase with superheating the steam. Additionally, the steam at the turbine exit has less moisture in it.

The superheating raises the mean temperature of heat addition, which raises the efficiency of the superheat Rankine cycle over that of the simple Rankine cycle. On the T-s diagram to the left, the impact of decreasing condenser pressure on the Rankine cycle efficiency is depicted. Steam leaves the condenser as a saturated mixture at the saturation temperature corresponding to the condenser pressure. Rankine cycle in thermodynamics Roy Mech's phrase "Superheated" This cycle demonstrates the different phases of operation in a turbine plant using superheated steam. F -> G is a symbol for the turbine's enthalpy reduction. The effect of superheated steam on the Rankine cycle's efficiency is that the efficiency of the cycle rises as the superheat of the steam rises.

Learn more about superheating here: