A 0.0500-kg ice cube at −30.0ºC is placed in 0.400 kg of 35.0ºC water in a very well-insulated container. What is the final temperature?

Respuesta :

The amount of heat that is gained by water is equal to the amount of heat loss by the ice. Therefore, we have the following relationship:


Where "Qw" is the heat of water and "Qi" is the heat of ice. The heat of water is given by:


The amount of heat of ice must be calculated for the two states, solid and liquid. For the solid-state the temperature will be from -30 degrees to 0 degrees, therefore, we have:


Where Ci is the specific heat of ice in solid-state and is equal to:


Replacing the values:


Solving the operations we get:


Now we need to determine the amount of heat that needs the ice to convert into liquid. This is given by:


Lf is the latent heat of ice and is equal to:


Replacing the values we get:


Solving the operations:


Now we need the amount of heat of liquid ice to its final temperature, this is given by:


Applying the relationship:


Cw is the specific heat of water and is equal to:


And the specific heat of ice is:


Replacing the values. The first two terms on the right side we already calculated and the final temperature is the same for both:


Solving operations:


Now we solve for the final temperature:


Subtracting 19835 to both sideS:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -1673.6T_f+58576-19835=209.2T_f \\ -1673.6T_f+38741=209.2T_f \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we add 1673Tf to both sides:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 38741=209.2T_f+1673.6T_f \\ 38741=1882.8T_f \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we divide both sides by 1882.2


Therefore, the final temperature is 20.57 °C. This value can be converted into Kelvin using the following relationship:


Replacing the temperature:


Therefore, the final temperature is 293.72 K.