Using the knowledge in computational language in C++ it is possible to write a code that determine what change a cashier should return to a customer.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// your code goes here
cout << "Enter the item cost : ";
double cost;
cin >> cost;
cout << "\nEnter what customer paid : ";
double paid;
cin >> paid;
double ret;
ret = paid - cost;
cout << "\nThe total number of cents to be returned is : " << ret;
cout << "\nChange given should be";
int ten,five,one;
ten = ret/10;
ret = ret - (10*ten);
five = ret/5;
ret = ret - (5*five);
one = ret/1;
cout << "\nNumber of 10 dollar bills : " << ten;
cout << "\nNumber of 5 dollar bills : " << five;
cout << "\nNumber of 1 dollar bills : " << one;
return 0;
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