
Several u. S. Southern states pass a law that restricts the sale of alcohol by businesses on sunday between the hours of 6am and midnight. A few weeks later, the federal government passes a law that says no jurisdiction shall restrict the sale of alcohol in any manner. Would the states still be permitted to restrict sales of alcohol within their borders?.

Respuesta :

A regulation restricting the selling of alcohol by establishments on Sundays between the hours of 6 a.m. and midnight is passed by several Southern states in the United States. A few weeks later, the federal government adopts a legislation stating that no jurisdiction may impose any limitations on the selling of alcohol. Would the states still be able to limit alcohol sales inside their borders? No, because federal law preempts state law.

Due to the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution, when state law and federal law conflict, federal law takes precedence over or preempts state law.

The Supremacy Clause seeks to make federal law preempt state law when both the federal and state governments pass legislation in the same field. The third provision mandates that all federal employees, regardless of branch, take an oath of office pledging to preserve the Constitution.

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