Sariah has just begun training for a half-marathon, which is latex: 13.1 13 . 1 miles. since she was on vacation, she started the training program later than the rest of her running club. there are latex: 6 6 weeks of training runs remaining before the race. in her first week of training, sariah ran latex: 3 3 miles. she ran latex: 4.5 4 . 5 miles the second week and latex: 6 6 miles the third week. if she continues to increase the length of her runs the same way, will there be enough time left in the training program for her to get up to half-marathon distance? describe how you would solve this problem using polya's four-step problem-solving method. complete each task as part of your response. be sure to number your answers task 1–task 4 so that your instructor can tell which part you are answering. otherwise, you may not receive credit.

Respuesta :

Sariah has just begun training for a half-marathon, which is latex: 13.1 13 . 1 miles. since she was on vacation, she started the training program later than the rest of her running club. there are latex: 6 6 weeks of training runs remaining before the race. in her first week of training, sariah ran latex: 3 3 miles. she ran latex: 4.5 4 . 5 miles the second week and latex: 6 6 miles the third week. if she continues to increase the length of her runs the same way, will there be enough time left in the training program for her to get up to half-marathon distance? describe how you would solve this problem using polya's four-step problem-solving method. complete each task as part of your response. be sure to number your answers task 1–task 4 so that your instructor can tell which part you are answering. otherwise, you may not receive credit. Understand the problem.

Task 1: Read the problem and restate in y0ur own words what the question asks.

2. Formulat3 a plan.

Task 2: Identify the model y0u would use to represent the problem and explain why y0u chose that model.

3. Implement th3 plan.

Task 3: Solve the problem and state y0ur answer.

4. Review th3 results.

Task 4: Explain the problem-solving process and how y0u know y0ur answer is correct.

What is half-marathon?

Half of a marathon's distance, or 21.0975 kilometers (13 miles 192.5 yards), is covered during a half marathon. Using nearly the same course with a later start, an earlier finish, or shortcuts, a half marathon event is sometimes held alongside a marathon or a 5K race. If finisher medals are given out, they might not look exactly like the ones given out for the full marathon. Although these measurements are rounded and not officially correct, the half marathon is frequently referred to as a 21K, 21.1K, or 13.1 miles.

The International Association of Athletics Federations recognizes a half marathon world record.

To learn more about half-marathon from the given link: