Respuesta :


Europe and Asia

Why is Constantinople advantageously located?

Asia was only across the Bosporus from Constantinople, which was on the doorstep of Europe. Direct access to the Mediterranean from the Pontus and Aegean allowed for easy maritime travel to Africa, the Middle East, and the Western Empire. Trade from the north reached Kiev and Scandinavia through the Black Sea and Dnieper River.

The ancient world had actually come to a crossroads there.

At various times throughout history, it possessed sufficient geographic advantages that worked out well for it and led to it becoming the capital of three empires.

Starting off, it was at a location that was directly on the water, which is convenient if one wants to include seafood in their diet. Additionally, because of its proximity to the first civilizations, it benefited from their cultural advancements far earlier than many other regions of the world. Being close to the water was also advantageous since shipping is far more effective than moving goods via land. Additionally, it had the benefit of being close to a strait, which required numerous ships to pass through in order to go from the Aegean to the Black Sea and vice versa. Due to the Turkish Straits' strategic importance from the Peloponnesian War until World War I, this also applied to combat. The Golden Horn's harbor provided further support for promoting shipping. The city's location on a peninsula made it simpler to wall off, and as long as it could manage the waves from the sea, it could be fed.

Thank you,


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