Self-inductance: an ideal solenoid has a self-inductance l. if you now double its radius and its length, but do not change the number of coils, what will its self-inductance be?

Respuesta :

Self-inductance:The coefficient of self inductance will rise as the solenoid's length increases because it is directly related to length: When a coil's turn count is doubled, its coefficient of self-inductance increases by a factor of four. The reason for this is that self-inductance is inversely related to the square of a coil's number of turns.

The inductance increases when the solenoid's length and number of turns are both doubled while maintaining the same cross-sectional area. The answer is "L=mu 0 N2/l A." L is doubled when N and l are both increased.

The flux that is associated with a solenoid when a unit quantity of current is sent through it is the solenoid's self-inductance.

Learn more about Self-inductance here.