A mass m is attached to an ideal massless spring with spring constant k. In experiment 1 the mass oscillates with amplitude a, and period t. A student grabs the mass and brings it to rest before starting experiment 2. In experiment 2, the mass is set to oscillate with a larger amplitude of 3a. What is the period of the oscillation in experiment 2?.

Respuesta :

The experiment's time period is unaffected by the change in amplitude in either experiment.

What are the variables that affect time in SHM?

The time frame is provided by:

[tex]$T=2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{m}{k}}$[/tex]


T = Time period.

M = mass.

k = spring constant.

We can see from the formula above that the only factors affecting the time period in a Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) are the object's mass and spring constant. Any changes in the object's mass or the spring constant will cause the time period to adapt.

Describe the Spring Constant.

The attribute is known as a spring's "spring constant" describes the relationship between the force acting on a spring and the displacement it causes. In other terms, it describes the stiffness and size of a spring's range of motion.

To know more about Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) visit:
