The IR holder should be raised to the level of the inframammary fold for craniocaudal projection.
Important aspects of the CC Projection:
The anterior, central, medial, and posteromedial breast regions can all be seen in the craniocaudal projection image.
• Place the detector at the inframammary crease's increased level. Before setting the detector in place, the breast must be raised.
• Away from the side being examined, the patient's head should be turned.
• Put the patient's feet apart and distribute their weight evenly.
• The patient's side is where the ipsilateral arm is placed.
• The patient can support themselves by holding the machine while the contralateral arm is elevated.
• A relaxed patient will experience the best compression. Put your hand on the ipsilateral shoulder and gently press down to help the shoulder relax.
Learn more about craniocaudal projection here: