Ten situations that require help:
1. Somebody may pass out and there may not be a certified medical worker in the presence.
2. Babies need help tending to themselves.
3. Children require help when using sharp objects.
4. Students need help when they do not understand schoolwork (particularly math).
5. Dogs cannot fix food themselves; humans have to prepare the food.
6. Whenever somebody is tapped, they require help because their personal information is leaked.
7. People in the military need help; they cannot tend to wars by themselves.
8. People need help when eating at restaurants and discovering live food, assuming they are uncertified in what to do.
9. Sick people need help; they need the appropriate prescribed medications to heal. They do not have prior knowledge on what they should take unless they have experienced the illness already.
10. Seniors and elderly people require help. They are in a way like babies, meaning they physically cannot do as much as middle-aged people can do.