Respuesta :


Technology has done more harm than good to humanity


On this topic, everyone is actually entitle to his/her own opinion but as for me, I'm opposing the motion. Basically, I'm not opposing this topic because I'm in science field/department but just that I have more facts to prove that science has really helped our generation.

In my neighborhood, state and country, this has been a controversial issue by many. I have heard many detest the way technology is shaping our world. Many said the way the world was before, is better than now. Adding that it's we human, that we're shortening our lives with so called technology advancement.

Hearing all these most times, always make me feel some how and think that, are scientist to be blamed or credited for the world advancement? Or is there a crime inventing more technologies? I'm just always curious and wondering why some people are not buying this idea of technology advancement.

Some years back, I was in a university being among students having a debate on this particular topic. Some were supporting, while some were opposing. That day, it was a tug of war. I could remember the lecturer coordinating the debate was speechless. She didn't know or figure out who to be called a winner or a loser. She saw the anger each speaker on opposing or supporting are pouring out on the topic.

The debate ended without any winner or loser. Then, I asked myself; is this a mutual facts on supporting or opposing this topic? because i could see the lecturer too didn't point out any winner. But later on, in my findings, researching and observations, I could see science has really done more good than harm and not the vice versa. I added observation because there are some things in our vicinities that we don't need to research about but merely looking at those/that thing(s) you will observe this is/are the work(s) of Science and Technology.