What role does the Executive Branch play in checking the power of Congress?
A )it can declare war on foreign countries
B) the President may veto Congressional legislation
C) Congress can create federal courts and can impeachment judges
D) the President can decide that laws of Congress are unconstitutional

Respuesta :

The answer to this question is B) the President may veto Congressional legislation
President has the right to veto the proposal made by the Congress if the president believed that it does not suit his/her plan for the country. The only way for the Congress to override the veto is if they managed to convince more than 2/3 of Congress to vote with both house voting separately.

The President may veto Congressional legislation

Further Explanation:

This power enables the principle of regulating checks on both the branches of the government. The Congress can override any legislation by 2/3rd majority. By the threat of veto, President can put check on the legislature. The Congress can balance with the help of the Senate by overriding the act by a two-thirds majority.

Checks and Balances are the unique features of the federal government as it ensures a restriction and limitation on every branch of the system. Separation of Power is a safeguard against the tyranny of any branch to grab too much power. The power exercised by any branch is checked by the other branches. Thepurpose is to check the abuse of power. There should be proper scrutiny of the bill. The Constitution provides the President 10 days to activate the bills, it becomes the law. Two forms of vetoes are there first is a regular veto and second is the pocket veto. The President returns the bill without signature to the house.The president gives a message to the house and mentions the reason for the disapproval of the bill and the second way is by giving a "veto message". The authority of the veto is mentioned in Article 1, Section 7.  

Learn More:

1. As the result of a conflict between British troops and a colonial militia in Massachusetts.


2. How did roman authorities treat conquered peoples?


Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: U.S.A. Constitution

Subject: Social Science

Keywords: 2/3rd majority, separation of power, regular veto, pocket veto, article I, section 7.