Using the knowledge in computational language in python this code will be described for bank is a dictionary where the key is the username and the value is the user's account balance.
def transfer (bank, log_in, userA, userB, amount):
if userA in bank and log_in[userA]:
if userB in log_in:
if amount <= bank [userA]:
bank [userA] -= amount
bank[userB] += amount
return true
return false
bank= {"Bradon": 115.5, "Patrick": 18.9, "Sarah": 827.43, "Jack": 45.0, "James": 128.87}
log_in= {"Bradon": False, "Jack": False, "James": False, "Sarah": False}
transfer(bank, log_in, "Bradon", "Jack", 100)
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